Estate Planning with COVID-19 In Mind

In this unorthodox time, we have been asked to stay home, keep our distance, and to adjust to this “new normal”. In San Luis Obispo County, we have press conferences three times per week to update us on the new cases and what is going on in our community. This season of life is challenging. It has forced us to change our routines and think about our health and the health of others above all else. Many have lost their jobs and many others are working on the front lines without a choice in the matter.  Others have faced the challenges of the virus head-on and survived it or suffered a loss of a relative or friend.

It is never easy to think about the “what-if’s” when it comes to incapacitation or death, but COVID-19 has forced us to do just that. Now is the time to plan for the unthinkable because when the unthinkable happens, you will not be in a position to carefully choose what you want to do. Time is a gift and we have been given plenty of it.

This is the time to pre-designate your guardian should you become incapacitated, select a guardian for your children, plan for a power of attorney to take over your financial matters if need be, place items in a trust for your beneficiaries, create an advanced healthcare directive, and update your accounts to have everything taken care of, otherwise the government will make these decisions for you.

 Contact us to help you plan for the future so that you can focus on the important things with a clear head and ensure your wishes are followed.


What Happens When Someone Dies Without an Estate Plan?