What To Do When A Loved One Passes Away
When the worst happens, the last thing you want to do is figure out how to handle the “things” surrounding death. It can lead to hours of internet searches and a rabbit hole of information. If you are in this situation, I extend my deepest condolences.
I’ve put together a list of steps to take in hopes to ease the burden a bit.
1. Locate your loved one’s paperwork. If they have pre-planned for their death, you may have significantly less steps to take. They may have an estate plan as well. It is best to get all of the pertinent existing paperwork together in one place. If there is a trust, ensure the trustee is immediately notified so that they may begin their duties. Keep in contact in case any of their duties overlap with your list.
2. Arrange care for your loved one’s dependents and pets. Their estate plan may have this information already planned.
3. If the funeral was not pre-planned, you will need to make burial arrangements. If you are unaware, ask other close family and friends if their burial wishes were ever discussed.
For a list of San Luis Obispo County mortuaries and cemeteries, please click here.
4. Determine what, if any, immediate expenses need to be paid in order to keep their beneficiaries and pets cared for.
5. Contact your loved one’s healthcare providers and advisors such as lawyers, CPA, etc. to alert them of your loved one’s passing.
6. Request several original copies of the death certificate, a dozen should cover your bases. The local records office should be notified and the funeral director will fill out the paperwork. Original copies will be needed for insurance, banks, other creditors, title transfers, and more.
7. Take care of the home: If nobody else is living in the same household, ensure that the house is secure. Change the locks, remove valuables, secure vehicles, and arrange for someone to take care of the yard so that the home is not a target for criminals. Turn off unneeded utilities (however, if the home is not in temperate climates, the air conditioner and heater should remain functioning to prevent damage to the home). Alert the local police that the home is temporarily vacant.
8. Contact your loved one’s insurance companies to discontinue benefits for the loved one and to start the process of death benefits for beneficiaries.
9. Cancel other items such as phones, prescriptions, subscriptions, and memberships.
10. Cancel credit cards and other accounts that are not owned by a trust or co-owned per the terms of the estate plan.
11. Review records to see if your loved one is owned any money and collect it for the estate. If they were working, their last paycheck needs to be collected.
12. Start the process of probate with a probate attorney if needed. If there was no trust in place, the probate process is likely needed if your loved one had an estate worth more than $166,250.00 (this includes life insurance).
13. Do not distribute any property if you are not the trustee. If there was no trust, do not distribute any property until probate is determined.
Remember that everyone has a unique situation and there may be more or less to this list depending on their needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and request help from myself or others.