Pet Planning
For many of us, myself included, our pets are part of the family. Sure they do little things to annoy us at times, but they are part of the fabric of our lives and are precious little souls who also deserve to be considered in the event that something happens to us.
It is important to choose who will care for your pets in a temporary and a permanent situation, and to name a couple of backups. Otherwise your pet may go unfed and alone or go to a shelter before someone can claim them.
Once your guardians are selected, you can provide them with documentation that includes the pet’s identification information, medical records, veterinarian contact, pet insurance information, health and diet needs, and particulars about behavior and needs.
You may also choose to financially provide for your pet by creating a pet trust and funding it. The trustee can be the guardian or someone else of your choosing. You may also create a pet Power of Attorney and provide for your pet in your will or family trust.
I have created a document for your convenience that you can provide your pet sitters and potential guardians in case of an emergency.
Contact me if you would like to create a pet plan or if you have any questions.
*Pricing for pet trusts or pet power of attorneys are done on hourly rate as your needs may be as simple as a couple of house pets or as complex as a barn full of pets!